Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 3: Photos from your Wedding

Well seeing that I am not married (YET!) I figured I'd provide a photo of our save-the-date, closest to a wedding picture thus far!

Yes I ended up making this myself.  We had a friend snap a picture of us holding a blank white piece of paper.  I later went in with Adobe Photoshop and did all this shazam to it.  I added the picture in the center making it look like a camera snapshot (get it, snapshot to come....yes I don't have a day job so there is nothing to quit!).  I do like how it came out in the end, very professional if I do say so myself! 

So since we are on this little conversation of the wedding I might as well divulge into the depths of alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the planning involved.  When people say weddings take a lot of time, energy, and money they surely are understating all three of those things!  It takes your sanity too at times!  While I have been rather lucky with relatively easy planning, there are those brutal steps in the process that everyone has to go through that get everyone.

Like picking colors out! 

We chose royal blue with orange accent.  For those none art people out there, lesson in complementary colors coming right at ya!  When colors are on opposites sides of the color wheel, they compliment and make each other pop a bit.

We chose super bold contrasting colors, but it really represents Brian and I so well.  We could have gone with lovey dovey colors, but we chose energy and enthusiasm (since we both just lack so much of it haha!). We chose royal blue for the bridesmaids and orange roses since I have a bad obsession with roses (I perfer live in the pots instead of cut as all they do is just die and have no use after, but no worries ladies I am not making you carry potted roses down the aisle though on second thought that could make for something interesting and unique!)!  Who would have known there are a million and one colors of roses when we went to the florist.  We had to decide between at least 6 shades of orange for what kind of orange rose we wanted....nothing can ever be simple!  

With the wedding about a month and a half away we are pretty much done with all the planning.  Now it is just the wait and see everything fall out of place time.  All loose ends seem tied, but I am sure the closer we get the more unraveled many will become.  Plan for the worst and be surprised is my thinking! 

We have a lot of other fun things planned for the wedding that I'll just keep for surprises.  Many little touches that will just make the day complete.  To me though I know in the end that while the wedding is an important moment, we are formally committing ourselves to one another before God, the church, and our family and friends, it is those days and years to come after that truly matter.  I couldn't ask for a better individual to marry than my best friend Brian.  I never knew it was possible to love someone so much, I truly am blessed to have found the one I was meant to be with forever.  We both are lucky that both of us had parents that showed us what unconditional love was.  Both set of our parents have shown us what marriage and love is really about, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Having learned from the bests I know with great certainty that what we have is only going to continue to grow.  Just when we think we can't love each other more, we find a way to. 

Enough of my soapbox talk for one post.  Tomorrow I'll be posting from my hometown Cleveland as I head home for a whole week and one day break....oh how much it is needed and will be enjoyed!!!!  While I won't be going here:

I'll just be as happy with this lovely ol' Lake Erie as long as it means I get my break!!!!

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