I did not progress much and since my water had broke earlier in the day at 9:30 pm they started Pitocin. The Pitocin started contractions almost immediately and once 1 am hit I was ready for the epidural and having very consistent and long contractions. Since I had the epidural catheter already placed, the anesthesiologist came right in and injected the medication and within 5-10 minutes I was good to go. Looking back it was the best decision to already have the epidural catheter placed before I felt the contractions as I did not have to sit through the half hour process with intense contractions, the anesthesiologist was in and out and I stopped feeling the contractions almost immediately. It was just a waiting game from there to wait until I felt the urge to push. Around 6:30 am the urge hit and the pushing began and at 7:35 am William Kenneth entered the world!
Wills had an APGAR of 9.9 and was healthy and normal….well as normal as a child of ours can possibly be! We spent two days in the hospital having family and friends visit and bonding with one another. We were released Wednesday afternoon and went home. My mother-in-law came in town Wednesday and helped with the kids and around the house which immensely helped. We are beyond blessed with such amazing family and friends! N and Baby E have done so well with Wills. Baby E is somewhat oblivious to our new addition however N is eating him up one minute and the next acting like he does not even exist.
Friday we had Wills first appointment and due to slightly yellow coloring we went for a bilirubin blood test which came back with elevated levels showing he was jaundice. We got the call once we got home that he had to be admitted so we packed our bags and off to the hospital we went. We ended up spending the whole weekend in the pediatric ward with Wills under the blue lights tanning and getting rid of his jaundice. He had to remain in the incubator tanning the whole time beyond feedings and diaper changes every 2 hours. It was so hard not being able to hold him for long but we knew the longer he spent under the lights the faster we could all go home. We were lucky that he was happy as a clam hanging out in the warm incubator just in his diaper with his little eye shades on which made it easier on all of us that he was not distressed or upset. His levels came down and we arrived home today for round 2 of being home and intend on staying home this time! He has a follow up appointment on Tuesday and will likely repeat bloodwork so hopefully his levels continue on a downward trend! Now for what everyone has really been waiting for and want to see, meet William Kenneth:
Last pregnant picture the night before going into labor!
Had a 90's throwback today when we arrived home!
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