Friday, October 12, 2012

73 Days and Counting!!!!

That is right, 73 days until my most beloved holiday, Christmas!  Yes I am a Christmas-holic, can't get enough of it!  Not only is the 25th of December Christmas but also my birthday so I'm destined to adore the holiday!
I love Christmas for a bazillion reasons but honestly who can't resist the sight of this:

Warm fires, lit trees, the smell of cinnamon and tasty treats filling the air.  Christmas music on every music station and that oh so lovely Christmas Shoes song that should be outlawed as who can possibly drive safely with all the tears waterfalling down their face?!?!  If you haven't been emotionally shaken by this heartwrenching song here it is, my early Christmas gift to you:
Ok now go grab your tissues and I'll wait right here for you to come back
Yes I did have to choose Christmas Kleenex! :)

If I could have a Christmas tree year round I surely would, but someone I will not mention (cough Brian the grinch cough cough) won't let me.  So the day after or a few after Thanksgiving BANG we go get our tree!  We don't mess around, no plastic faking for us, we go all out with the real deal pine tree that seems to shoot out like a bazooka their needles all over my house!  Having spent one married Christmas together we seem to be covered as far as decorations go for this year.  It's nice the bulk of the goods are already purchased ready just to be set back up!

We even have our Christmas lights for inside and out!  Of course Christmas would not be complete without our whole zoo....yes a literal zoo of lit up Christmasy animals we display on our front yard.  You thought I was joking about my serious addiction to Christmas! 

I did just purchase these two little numbers from LL Bean.  I wanted to buy them last year but they were completely sold out by Thanksgiving for the year.  This year I would not miss out and jumped on these when they became available again last month.  I love them being embroidered with our names.  They are heavy duty needlepoint stockings and cost a pretty penny but I know we will use them forever so adios Walmart Christmas stockings from last year!  There were a lot of designs to choose from.  Brians was a no brainer as he a train-a-holic and I played eeny meeny miny mo for mine out of the three I narrowed it down seriously I did!  I'm happy with mine and with many options as we expand our family we will be ordering new ones to add next to ours on the fireplace :)

As for Christmas shopping I am much like my mom as I'm hunting for items year round.  When I come across something I know better than to just assume it'll still be available by Christmas time.  It helps alleviate having to spend one big hunk of money all at once and I'm able to space it out throughout the year in smaller purchases, which still does add up, but not all at once! 

So far I already have my parents covered.  I have a special undercover "project" I'm in the midst of for a gift for both of them.  I'm close to being finished but have a little bit more elbow grease to put in and it should be perfect.  Their gift I'm most excited about!  I love DIY projects and purposeful handmade gifts so this one is a winner!  For my siblings and their spouses we put our names in a hat and on Thanksgiving we draw who we buy for.  It is not a secret santa deal, we all know who got who but it's a great way to keep costs down.  Being one of 6 and with a sister-in-law, buying for everyone could get crazy!  I already have ideas though for most already so hopefully I get one of those poor unfortunate victims.  We all seem to buy for the youngest who is 8 and we have been contemplating what to get our nephew. I have also snagged two gifts already for my mother-in-law and am still pondering another gift but am kinda wishy washy with what to get her, ya Brian is no help in that department.  My brother-in-law's gift I'm leaving in the hands of my husband!  Haha!  So in other words I'll ask Brian a week before Christmas what he got him and he will say "So ya, about that!"  Perhaps to be on the safe side I should also keep my eyes out for something. 
                         Had to add this in as when I saw it I cracked up because it is so true!
                                 (if you can't read it click on the picture and it will enlarge it)

We also have a few friends we purchase for and I already have most gifts picked out for them but it's a matter of actually going out or ordering them online that I'm only left to do.  I'm feeling great about being organized and ready for Christmas and it's only October!

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