Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Easy Peasy Corn on the Cob!

I just found a miracle!  I am not kidding....this discovery will forever change my ENTIRE life!  Yes, a grand discovery on YouTube

                                         How did the early pioneers survive without YouTube?

I stumbled upon a hidden secret of a gem........corn on the cob ready in 4 minutes!
Yes, yes now don't go too need to listen closely as I explain this easy peasy way of cooking up your next corn on the cob in only a few minutos

Exhibit A: Place corn in your microwave (trust me here you, it won't start on fire!).  No need for shucking, boiling, or soaking in it husk and all without any prep into your microwave. Cook each corn for 4 minutes.  In this case, I am cooking two. so I do this difficult math equation of
4 x 2 = 8, so 8 minutes it is! 

Take those babies out using a glove as they will be the temperature of the sun (ok maybe not literally, but pretty darn close!)

Cut the end of the cob off.  Not the side you would normally open but the other.  Cut it off right up to where the corn we eat is...don't worry you can cut it again if you're anything like me and totally missed the first cut!

Then hold it from the top where one would normally open it from and shake that baby like a Polaroid picture

A few shakes and boom yellow corn comes falling out!

VOILA, perfectly cooked corn with absolutely no husk.  Easy mess free and perfectly cooked corn!!!!!!!!
 You can now all start to stand up from your computer chair and jump and scream as if you were on Oprah's Favorites Things as I know this discovery is JUST as EXCITING......YOU GET EASY CORN, YOU GET EASY CORN, YOU GET EASY CORN, WE ALL GET EASYYYYYYY CORNNNNNNN!  Yes I did look like this in my mothers kitchen as I devoured my corn!

****The owner of this blog does not advise jumping on your couch or computer chair due to safety reasons and will not be held responsible for any damages to you nor your furniture****

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