Monday, November 18, 2013

It's A....

It's a...........BOY!

There is our cute little fellow who checked out as healthy and thriving.  The ultrasound was done last Friday when I was 19 weeks and 2 days along so just about half way there!  Our due date of April 9th still stands but Brian is pushing for 3 days early so he would have a birthday buddy.  We are so excited to add this little one to our family and are so blessed.  At this point we have told everyone as it's not something that can be very hidden any more as our minion keeps growing and making himself more and more known! 

This was Baby E's reaction when we told her it's a boy!  She seemed happy, shocked, and a bit outnumbered.  Mama knew it would be a boy so it came at no real surprise.  Brian last minute switched to thinking girl but we would have been happy either way girl or boy.

So what have we been up to since I last blogged?  Well Brian as of last week has completed his out of town project.  This means mama now has nightly help, hence why she can blog!  He isn't up for another out of town project for some time so we are keeping our fingers crossed the only projects he gets will be local ones. 

We also had our first family hibachi experience and boy did N eat!  This kid can pound food big time.  His favorite surprised me as he ate a lot of shrimp and then we were happy to see he is not allergic to seafood which was an after thought!

We spent a weekend at the land

The boys built and hung the fireplace mantle!

We've been using and loving our carrier

We've cuddled up with the pups to keep warm as snow came and went.

N's made many peace treaties with the dogs.  The two just adore him as he seems to be the never-ending treat giver.  We have been forced to put the dogs either outside or cage them while N eats because otherwise he feeds them right from his tray!

Baby E has been sporting some crazy hair-do's each day.  It seems after her morning bath she is always testing out a new look!

We got serious with more permanent baby gates.  Seeing that these will be up for the long haul we went with nice metal decorative baby gates with a walk through door.  This pregnant mama has greatly appreciated the walk through door as no longer do I have to be hurdling all day!

N has continued to bond with the pups and it is a mutual love they all share!  Well sort of mutual, not sure if they do indeed like having their whiskers and ears pulled but it's N's way of showing affection right now as we teach him gentler ways of loving on them!

Uncle Brandon came for the night to visit.  His mad reading skills were much appreciated by N!

Baby E has found a way to continually Houdini her way out of her sleep sack but hey whatever is comfortable!  

N continues to find enjoyment in going around helping everyone blow their nose with tissues.  Even Tucker seemed to need a good nose blow!

Our affinity for dogs has gone beyond just our two at home.

We've especially been working on building up the kids sibling bond.  The first week N was oblivious to his baby sister E.  The second week we had him he became more aware of her and would often point to her.  We have since worked on gentle touches and giving soft kisses and hugs.  If asked where E is he will now point at her or go right over to check her out. 

Their little kisses melt my heart every time!

Of course big brothers can share in loving moments but quickly turn into a sock thief in the blink of an eye!

Yup no more socks but still lots of love!

Tummy time has helped baby E strengthen her core body and neck.  For being only 2 months old this girl has awesome head control.  Her preferred position is to be held up sitting so she can look around and track people and things.  She has become quite the little chatterbox much like her brother.  She loves to be held in a sitting position facing you and hold ongoing conversations back and forth. 

We've been treasuring the little moments such as a peaceful sleeping baby.

We've been slowing down and enjoying the little things and trying to memorize every little detail as these moments slip away.

We are reminded every day is a blessing that we try not to take for granted. 

We also took our first family trip to the zoo and came to find out N had never been before.  Since we got N at 14 months old there were 14 months prior of things we have missed out on.  His first bath, his first smile, his first time sitting up, his first tooth to break through his gums and those fussy sleepless nights that came along with those chompers, his first steps, and many of those firsts that come within the first year of life.  To have moments where his eyes light up as he experiences something for the first time with us reminds us of the many things he has experienced with us for the first time that we aren't missing out on.  His first real table food, his first on command kiss/hug, his first few comprehendible words (go, good, woof woof, tickle tickle tickle and just yesterday he said thank you!), his first zoo trip, his first pumpkin patch and carving experience, his first Halloween dressing up and trick-or-treating, and the many other things.  We have many new things to look forward to experiencing in the near future and we will see for how many continual firsts in his life that we will be blessed to experience with him.

The zoo was a big hit and we are happy to have a membership so we can visit whenever.

All the animals excited N especially the monkeys and surprisingly the wild birds that seem to be everywhere.  He enjoyed chasing the birds throughout the zoo arguably more than he enjoyed the exhibits!  Baby E slept through her entire zoo experience.  She woke up momentarily to drink a bottle then back to sleeping she went.  All the fresh air and comfy covers kept her happily asleep! 

While baby E drank her bottle the two boys played peek a boo around the poles.  It is shocking to us that not many families are open to fostering a child over the age of 1.  At now 15 months old, N's zest for life, intense cuddling, cheesy smile, and funny quirks and personality we couldn't imagine any family turning down!  He is downright adorable and such a comic!  We are double-y and soon to be triple-y blessed without a doubt :)

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