Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Orphan Sunday on Tuesday!

I was intending on posting this on Sunday but now I am having my own advocating orphan Sunday on Tuesday!  The first Sunday of each November is supposed to be orphan Sunday.  It was a movement started within churches to bring attention to orphans and orphan care.  Thousands of churches across the U.S. give homilies or show videos bringing orphans to the forefront and helping people become aware of the orphan epidemic both internationally and in our very own country.  Having held orphans in my very own arms and loved on the least of these, this is something near and dear to my heart.  It is through our firsthand experience with orphan children that my husband Brian and I have felt called and have decided to become foster parents open to adopting through the U.S. foster care system.  We made a few calls and have done our research and read through countless paperwork.  We have decided to go ahead and will start our pre-service training in January and look forward to opening our home and hearts to a child or sibling group in need of a family wether it be for one week or a lifetime.  The Bible says countless times that we are commanded to care for orphans whom are the least of these.  Each one of us is able to do something. 

Please today take a moment to watch these three videos.  I went through and selected a these videos that are filled with statistics that will open your eyes and astound some.  After watching these video's please ask yourself what part you can play in the life of an orphan.  I'm not going to ask you to donate $1 a day or anything like those infomercials we all have seen at 2 a.m.  What I am going to ask you to do is pray and help spread the word while also asking yourself what you can do.  It only takes one person to save one life. 

While each one of us are in different places in our lives, we all can do something:
1.) Adopt a child or sibling group
2.) Foster a child or sibling group
3.) Sponsor an orphan through a monthly or yearly program
4.) Make a one time donation to an orphan ministry
5.) Volunteer on a mission trip and be the hands of feet to orphans
6.) Advocate for a waiting child and spread the word so they may find their forever families
7.) Support financially and with prayer a family who is adopting or fostering
8.) Probably the most important, PRAY....pray for orphans and their situation

This second video is rather intense but definately worth watching.  It is a bit longer than the first, but so true and possibly life changing. 
This last video is a song and music video by a Christian band Third Day - Children of God.  They bring up the importance that we have all been adopted by God into his family as his sons and daughters.  Adopting and redeeming us was costly and made us His heirs.   
"Heroes are made because they are moved, not in their head, but in their heart."

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