We had the tent set up and the lit tiki torches in the backyard.
We put up the backdrop (thank you duct tape!) to use in the evening to project a movie
The patio and deck was all decorated.
Of course a lot of snacks. The girls went through two, yes two huge sheet pizza's. Pretty sure at 9 and 10 these girls can down more food than boys their own age!
There was lots of swimming
Notice the floating flowers! Simple to make, bought a noodle at Dollar Tree that on the ends looked like a flower and just cut them up. Less than 5 minutes to make, they were a big hit!
Of course there was the big hit which was the hot tub!
Dancing to the music interludes happened often.
Trampoline jumping too!
Even synchronized trampoline jumping....these girls were intense!
Slushies were made
Happy Birthday was sung (including cha, cha, cha's of course!)
Quinn came over to my house the night before to help make these beach themed cupcakes
Some had palm tree's and others had umbrella's
Being food and specifically loaded with sugar they were a hit with the girls as they all huddled around the fire pit!
The girls decorated and made grass skirts. They used crayons on the brown bags to decorate which each of them uniquely made filled with hearts and peace signs.
We used tape at the top to hold a piece of ribbon to be used for tying the skirt around them and instructed them to cut up to the tape to make the skirt.
The finished results!
Of course things got silly quickly!
Really silly....
The girls saw us breaking glow sticks but had no idea we threw them all into the pool. It was hard to photograph but the entire bottom of the pool was all lit up in the different colors.
It was then a race to jump into the pool and collect the most glow sticks. It was later in the evening so the water and air outside was cold but they all jumped in for the competition!
Right after all were collected they all ran straight into the hot tub to warm up.
Yes this is how they typically look.
Pajama's were put on and gifts were opened.
They then went to bed....well no...it was then pajama jump time on the trampoline!
Mary picked out Teen Beach Movie which each of the girls had all seen multiple times. What started off like this quickly became this......
A sing-a-long dance-a-long! They all knew every word and most of the choreography.
They wasted no time and sang and danced.
Each time a song came on they would jump up off the covers and begin dancing. It was a riot!
Even dramatic finishes occurred! Right after this one of the girls turned to my mom and I and told us she always wanted to be in that number. We almost lost it, they were so serious about this movie and all of them loved it!
After the movie we let the girls be in the tent. We checked on them often and around 4:30 a.m. we finally stopped hearing giggles. Rumor has it Mary snuck all her makeup into the tent and the girls had a no mirror challenge (putting their own make up on without a mirror to see)....those wild rebellious ladies! They woke up in the morning to lots of donuts and orange juice. They were slow coming out of the tent but quickly the giggle-fest started as they chowed down and their sugar levels were elevated. To the trampoline they went until each of their parents came to pick them. It was a great success and all the girls had a great time and they definitely kept us adults entertained!
Probably the best birthday in the world! :)