Making a bubbling lava lamp
Using a balloon and rubbing it on her head to make the can follow the balloon
Making pepper sink automatically
Also did our own experiment to see if it's true a Crayola crayon can be used as a candle.
This is not a myth, it really does burn however not for the 30 minutes everything states but we recorded 12-15 minutes on different attempts. It really just burns the paper down and the wax slows down the flame but pretty cool!
Our nephew GT took a ride up with his Uncle Brian when he came back from a business trip to visit for a few days. He was all smiles and so excited when he saw everyone then he just about lost it when Mary came out! He loves his aunt Mary and ran right to her and was running all over. Poor kid couldn't control his own excitement he was bursting, reminded me of what I'd likely look like if I won the lottery!
I've also had some serious offenders lately in my backyard. Forget worrying about the rabbits....Ii have two whippets! The two like to help me with my gardening specifically picking strawberries! They jump right in nonchalant then act shocked when I catch them. So far it hasn't become too much of a habit but I've had to go out yelling a few times for them to get out of the garden....more so for the one with white on him with the middle name of Trouble....Tucker Trouble, fits perfectly.
We also went last night to our first foster care cluster meeting. Our county has several private groups that run monthly meetings for foster families to come together based on their living location. It was nice to meet other couples, all currently have foster children, that live in our general area. It just so happens the county worker that sits in on the meetings to help with any specific agency based questions just so happened to be our home study social worker whom we've gotten to know through the past months. It was comforting to come in knowing her and all the other families really embraced us and were pleasant as can be. Our resource manager also came to meet Brian as well as check in on a 3 day old newborn and foster mom that were there (Yes I almost squealed when I saw all 5 lbs of that sleeping baby!). The families were so real, encouraging, and above all informative. We honestly learned more in the 2 hours there than we did in our 36 hours of preservice training! They were throwing tips at us and answering questions even before we asked them. They tell you the real things that the social workers aren't supposed to say plus you get the added support. The first hour is a provided meal and the parents can bring their kids with them, biological/foster/adopted. The second hour the kids are taken to a playroom with licensed workers while we discuss and cover different topics.
It was refreshing to see the reality of what we have signed ourselves up for. At the same time we were able to get some great contacts that offered for us to call any time if we have any questions or just need support. These were real families with real big hearts. Our preservice classes were for the whole general area and to be honest we were put off by what some of the others in the class said or how they acted. We were not sure if this would just be yet another round of such meetings but I am so happy we decided to go and see what it was all about. The cluster offers assistance in the form of clothing, materials, support, ideas, and how to navigate the system. Even those who have been fostering seemed to have concerns or questions that they were able to get clarification on. There was no sugar coating things like our preservice classes were like, these were real people with real experiences going on looking for real solutions and answers for kids in their care. I can happily say we surely will be returning next month! The added bonus is we get hours towards our ongoing training needed to keep our licensee so it's a win-win.
We also received some very interesting news and developments about the whole last Foster 101 course and how placements can happen before you take that class. We were never mentioned this but another couple said they got two placement calls before they took their class so it is possible and we looked over at our resource manager who put her hands in the air and said you aren't supposed to know that! We laughed and she said normally it doesn't happen but if there is a great need if they give their approval as the resource manager, which she said she would for us personally but she doesn't for all, they can place kids before that class. They just want to ensure that you will indeed take that class so that's why typically they try not to place children with you prior to it however sometimes the need and shortage of foster families falls into your favor. So knowing that, we could get a placement call today....likely not to happen, but not entirely impossible!
Thought I'd leave you with two interesting pictures taken a few days apart that just so happen to resemble something.....
A Meeko Hamburger
And a Tucker hot dog!
That is all
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