It took us 6 months, yes 6 full of months of being in survival mode with 3 under 2 to finally hit and cruise into our sweet spot! I say this with a smile on my face as we just won a battle, a sleep deprived manic battle! Funny thing is with only the 2 kiddo's we hit our sweet spot when E was 5 months old....joke was on us because Wills was born a month later since he was a month early so we only basked in the glory for a whole 30 days!

With Wills now being 6 months old things have begun to get a bit easier. We are away from the newborn stage as he's much more active and independent. While I love holding my babies it's nice to be able to get things done around the house a bit and sit on my own instead of nursing none stop. Wills has mastered sitting on his own and spends most of his day on the ground spinning in circles and scooting all over the place. He is now sleeping in the nursery along with E for his naps and through the night. No more night feedings and he is 100% on E and N's napping and sleep schedule which suddenly leaves me with some down time for once and we all can finally get a full nights rest. E is walking all over the place and is known to pick up speed when she has something she knows she shouldn't! N is now potty trained and in big boy underwear. The pants that use to fit him with his diaper butt now are too big so we went back a size in pants so they aren't always falling down on him.

We haven't had too much excitement going on here lately. We've just been humming along day by day and keeping busy. We did today sign our intent to adopt paperwork for N and E which is one big step in the right direction. This paperwork does not officially "match" them with us but it is the county's way of showing the judge for the termination trial coming up in November that there is an approved adoptive family for them should the judge approve the termination of parental rights. It also shows that we are the intended permanent placement for the children at this time. Nothing is official until it is official and in the coming few months there will be a lot of finger (and toe) crossing and storming the heavens with prayers that the children’s best interest be upheld and that we do not hit any bumps or snags. Until then, we count down the days and say a prayer as we know most of this is all out of our control.

In other news, we have geared up for Christmas which is only 83 days away (in case you're not counting)! I ordered the kids Christmas outfits and have almost all of their gift shopping done. I have a few things here and there to order but in general I have the bulk of it done. I had to laugh at myself as I am becoming like my mother as my closet is getting filled with hidden gifts! I am starting to concentrate on family and friends and trying to get ahead where I can. I know most of the October weekends we already have filled being busy and I'm sure November will likely be the same. My life currently needs to be organized and purposely planned out to avoid as much chaos as possible. I can surely say this year is way more organized already compared to last year. Last Christmas with the arrival of the two kids back to back right before, we barely made it come together! I am hoping for a more relaxed holiday time celebrated and enjoyed with those we love and cherish.