March has just been flying by with April right around the corner. March surely has brought much madness beyond just basketball for us! It is amazing to think Palm Sunday is this upcoming weekend already! Our weekends have been spent at the land painting, tiling, and putting in hardwood floors. Instead of lazy weekends we have been joining my family out there working our tails off. It'll all be worth it in the end!
Yesterday we fully completed our 36 hour pre-service foster care/adoption parent courses! It surely was a mission completed! 12 long weeks of going every Thursday from 6pm-9pm is finally over. Now what will we do with our open Thursdays?!?! We officially graduated from training and now are full steam ahead to getting our home study completely finished. We are still finishing the basement drywall and electrical wiring so we can have the fire inspection. The fire inspection is the only thing we have to do to be finished! Our home study social worker still has to meet with our emergency references and receive the surveys back from our lucky 5 chosen family and friends. We are hoping to be able to have it all submitted soon so we can get state approval in time to take the upcoming Foster Paten 101 course in May which is a 6 hour Saturday class. Once we step out of that class we will be good to go and wait on that "call" to come in. In a way it's amazing to think we could be taking in a child(ren) in a little over a months time but then again it's crazy to think we have been taking all these classes since January so it'll be 5 months in the making!
While we have been gearing up to foster, I also have spent the past month on our first Follistim injectibles cycle. To say it was a complete fail would be putting it nicely. After 14 days of injections my body ended up going backwards with my numbers and not a follicle grew out of the 100 or so I have! How does that happen? Well even the Dr. and nurses don't know. So again we weren't able to trigger or even try this cycle. My doctor wants to meet with Brian and I in an office visit but we were not told what it will pertain to as the nurse really has no idea what direction our Dr. will want to go. She stated in her 12 years of working in this field as a nurse she's never seen someone respond like this....yup leave it to me to be again out of the ordinary as if we don't have enough cards against us already! We won't be able to get in to see her until the end of April so for a whole month we just wait and in the meantime I am to start birth control in order to try to level out some of my crazy hormones. Who knows what route we will be on next, but even during the heartache and tears over the news it is nice to know we are getting somewhere with our fostering route, at least something seems to be moving in the right direction! It had to be orchestrated by God that we decided to take the path into foster care while we still were going through infertility treatments. Had I not had something going right and something we have a little bit more control of I would be a complete depressed messed. Not that I don't have those days every so often of feeling discouraged, but we can see the silver lining for one path and hopefully soon the silver lining will show up in the other too!
In the meantime, I like to take everything in stride with good humor. A friend of mine sent me a bunch of those conversation cards. I combed through a few and they all put a smile on my face. I decided to share some here as sometimes all we can do is just laugh and carry on!
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