I haven't blogged too much about the pups lately! Poor Tucker isn't getting his 5 seconds of fame very often! While my phone is consumed with day-to-day pictures (yes I'm that crazy dog woman that takes a million pics of her dog on a daily basis!) I never seem to post any. I decided today to pull out the Cannon real fast and snap a few quick pictures to post. These are hot off the press as of less than a half hour ago! Tucker is 100% potty trained and has been about 2 weeks into us having him. I am so relieved that he took to potty training so quickly like Meeko had. My worry of getting another puppy was the on the hour bathroom runs. The fence in our backyard now has been a life saver for us and this go around we could just open the door and let him fly rather than standing out their with a leash and crocks on in the blizzards!
He is now 13 weeks old and a plump 14 lbs as of his vet visit on Tuesday. He sleeps through the night without making a peep. He is so cunning and smart that at times I think when he is full grown he may be smarter than his older brother Meeko which I thought was the smartest dog ever! He is quick to learn but is also a complete spaz. Any noise or movement and he is right there in the action. He has an intense sense of smell that even Meeko now doesn't seem to have. Whippets can come from different breeding background and Meeko came from running while Tucker seems to have come more from the hunting. When we first got him he seemed to be the most independent little guy. Meeko at his age (and still now) didn't leave my side and was always curled up laying with me. This guy would cuddle a bit then be like "adios amigos" and take off to his own couch cushion. The past two weeks though a light bulb has gone off and he suddenly wants to be by my side 24/7 and has become a cuddle king like Meeko.
What I find funny is how Meeko was the instigator to Levi and now Tucker is the instigator to Meeko. Meeko will look over at us when he is done playing with Tucker with THAT look like please get him away from me! The two are best buds and can be found snuggling one minute and then the next wrestling together. Meeko has really embraced Tucker and while Meeko has never met someone or a dog he doesn't like, I still hoped they would be close bonded rather than just live amongst another. Thus far they seem very bonded and when the one leaves the room the other goes to find the other (more than like to be partners in crime!). This weekend Tucker will get his first dose of the land. We can't wait to see him running in the open woods with all the other dogs!
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