Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Updates

I have heavily been consumed with so much that I have not blogged lately.  Not for lack of subjects or thoughts, but honestly lack of time.  I have been completing the huge stack of paperwork which means making copies of every known personal document to our names as well as filling in lengthy paperwork.  Our homestudy went super well and we really like our home study social worker!  She is so easy to talk with and so real and down to earth.  She stayed for a bit over 3 hours and laid out the paperwork and did our first home inspection.  She completely loved our front bedroom that is colorful dot-crazy and said it is the perfect set-up and a great refuge for children.  From the stories she shared about many people not putting anything special into the rooms really left me surprised.  I still need to do a front room reveal post too as I have kept promising but have not gotten there yet.

All I can say about the whole homestudy is thank goodness she did not go into our basement....she may have gotten lost and never found her way back up!  We passed on most accounts but have a few things to do before full approval, but we have time to make those changes.  Most we have already accomplished since such as having a car seat, getting the treadmill out of the front bedroom (considered a safety hazard though it has a key you need to be able to turn it on), and needed the nursery ready in which it almost is finished!  Once we complete the stack of endless paperwork abyss and have our Dr. sign off on our physicals, and a fire marshall come to our home and check it for safety, we will give our social worker a call and we will schedule another lengthy visit for individual and couple interviews and another walk through the home.  We have to finish the basement room (as in drywalled and mudded --- paint and flooring doesn't need completed) in order for the fire marshall to come and sign off so mainly Brian and my dad (as well as my brothers Greg and G.J. at times) are hard at work getting that done.  I'm thinking if they continue working like they are that they will have it drywalled and mudded by the end of next week.  At that point I can call and set up our home walk through with the fire marshall. 

As I said earlier the nursery has been painted.  Our friend Lindsey and her boyfriend Nate came over and helped painting the base coat of white.  Brian and I painted the ceiling and then my brother Greg helped us with taping the stripes with the laser level and we painted in the stripes.  It worked out perfectly and we are so happy with how it turned out!  We have to wait two weeks until we can put our special decals up to give the paint enough time to cure so then we will get the full effect!  We then pulled up the carpeting and can officially say goodbye to all carpeting in our home (well for now, planning on carpeting the basement likely)!  I snagged an awesome deal on a large bright red rug at Ollie's that is just way too perfect.  All we have in there now is the changing table and intend to get the rocker my mom bought when she had me to use in the room.  We are waiting to hear back from the social worker who was checking on specific crib rules as the paperwork she had is not the most up-to-date so needing clarification on drop-side specifications.  Once we have the room all put together and the furniture all in I will do a big nursery reveal post and share it with all of you!  Get ready because it is very Seussy :)

As for some other great news, those siblings "Samuel" and "Sara" I blogged about from Ukraine that needed a home have been matched with a family!  I have prayed daily for them and had the nudge to go see if their grant amount had changed much and not only did they have over $1400 in it, I found they were on the My Family Found Me page.  Hopefully their family will fly through the paperwork and be able to get to them soon.  Since I saw that I seem to not be able to wipe the smile off my face :)  Nothing is better than praying every day for something then seeing your prayers go into full fruitation!  Their chances of finding a family willing to step up and adopt them was slim to none, but our God is Great and He has amazing plans for them I am sure! 

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